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The GAP HOUSING project promotes local skills, thus creating a sustainable neighbourhood in which a lively urban community and flexible and attractive living spaces can be created. The test area is the township of Better Life, Philippi, which is located 25 kilometres from downtown Cape Town. It is dominated by social housing and tin huts and includes a 21 meter-wide strip of land that runs parallel to the main road and acts as a barrier between the neighbouring districts of self-contained residential blocks. At night it is poorly lit and unsafe. A non-place is automatically created.

 A three-storey multifunctional building serves as a link between the main street and the neighbourhood. The design revolves around a simple modular construction using mostly prefabricated concrete elements produced locally from available materials. In addition to the concrete skeleton and the sanitary block, all other structural measures are carried out as DIY projects in order to save costs and strengthen the residents' sense of identification with their building. Services such as water, electricity, sewage and waste disposal are guaranteed. In addition, electricity can be provided via solar collectors on the roof and a solar system.




LocationZAF – Philippi, Capetown

Space120 sq m

Client Low-income Communities in South Africa (Reconstruction and Development Program Housing, SA)

TeamKim Le Roux, Margit Sichrovsky