LXSY Architekten - Logo

We are LXSY Architekten. Based in Berlin, we are involved in the field of circular planning and building and are actively committed to the transformation towards a climate-friendly construction industry that conserves resources and avoids waste. As ambassadors of the building revolution, we set new standards for the future of architecture and question established processes in the construction industry. We transform existing buildings and are pioneers of circular construction.

Beyond making architecture, we aim to spark a positive social, cultural and ecological impact. As architects, we are concerned with the question of how we as a society want to live and work together in the future. We think conserving resources while adopting circular planning and building techniques will play a key role in steering towards a more sustainable future.

LXSY welcome Wiebke Ahues as partner


LXSY welcome Wiebke Ahues as partner

We are pleased to announce that LXSY Architekten is now run by three of us. We have welcomed Wiebke Ahues, most recently Studio Director Berlin at Henning Larsen, as a partner in our office. Together as a team, we want to drive the building revolution forward by transferring circular construction from prototypical, experimental projects to a large scale.